I'm going to be straight with you, folks. According to the sitemeter that logs every hit on this page, there have only been two of us visiting this spot since Nov. 2.
So, let's have a recap. There was one person in early November. There were two other visitors in October. Peter Stekel visited in September. But let's leave Peter out of the equation, because he's writing a book on this very subject and has good reason to look under every rock.
Of the three people from the outside world who hit this page in the last two months, none of them spent any time here. The duration of all three visits was zero seconds.
This page is virtually unknown, except to the other person and me. To that one person -- and I know you very well -- thanks for checking to see if I have a pulse. (If I knew how to make one of those sideways smiley faces, I'd put one right here ... wait, :)
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